Anyone know answer to this - searched a lot but cannot find any info anywhere.
I got a replacment windscreen - after several weeks of wrong orders etc- they installed a horrible Green Tinted Windscreen on me
- totally hate it as the other windows are clear-
- when I am driving and look in mirrors - I see a Red Flash as my eyes get accustomed to no green again.
so got them to order a Clear one - but after a week they bring out a surprise Blue tinted one to fit - told them no while I did some reading about it.
Blue Windscreen they were going to fit was part number: 5138a BL 1c
(where bl means Blue).
The glass fitter says he has only fitted Green and Blue only. You cannot get clear.
But he did also say all windows are made in same place/factory - (which isnt exactly true.)
Question is: Is there a Clear windscreen that can be got? Or is the blue one the best I can do?
All the other windows, inc the old one - looked totally clear to me in the car.
Car: Mx5 Mk1 Irish (Non-Import).
I dont think Im being too picky asking for matching windows in a car.
thanks guys....
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