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door power lock wiring - (alarm fitting)

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door power lock wiring - (alarm fitting)

Postby johnc55 » Mon, 29 Nov 2010 4:17 +0000

Anyone got good info on electrics and wiring diagrams / colours? I have the wiring diagrams downloaded but maybe someone has done something similar??

1999 NB with power locks.

I want to identify the following in order to connect in a tracker/security device:


1. door lock signal wire
2. door open signal wire
(I think these are blue/yellow and red/yellow from the wiring diagram but I don't know which is open and which is close…)
3. courtesy light switch / door open wire (I think it should be white/red?)
4. accessory (I think that's live when ignition on? but I don't know where to tap into it.)
5. fuel pump power cable ( I think that should be blue/red on the connector to the pump?)

I am presuming I can find a connector block either in the door or somewhere inside that connects to the door. Some advice would be useful though…. ( always useful to know what you are looking for before you start taking things apart?)

Anybody good on wiring?



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Re: door power lock wiring - (alarm fitting)

Postby Steve » Mon, 29 Nov 2010 5:21 +0000

Lots of wiring diagrams here :
http://neomiata.com/garage/index.php?pa ... +Diagrams/

3 - pop out the interior light and you can tap in behind it
4 - you can source this at the rear of the ignition or at the rear of the stereo (can't remember if its the red or the yellow wire.. a multimeter will tell you quick enough)

Worth removing the glovebox to give yourself a bit of room, you can follow the door wires in through a hole in the body into the interior.
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