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Removing door card Mk1 - Speaker replacement

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Removing door card Mk1 - Speaker replacement

Postby Rebelbloke » Sat, 02 Apr 2011 1:55 +0000

Hey guys,
I know there are a few threads around on this already but was just having a go at it there but ran into trouble..

Basically I followed all the steps - removed armrest and popped out all of the little popper using my trusty fork! Then lifted up the whole panel and managed to get it loose at the top end by the padded window part. Problem was I couldn't get it past the door lock/handle unit?! It just seemed to be catching at that part and didn't want to force it... I tried to unscrew the door handle but it wasn't coming out either so figured I'd better quit before I ended up with a load of parts on the floor!

Anyway, long story short, is there something I'm missing here - anyone have an idiot proof guide to removing the card?!
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Removing door card Mk1 - Speaker replacement

Postby mx5ash » Sat, 02 Apr 2011 2:26 +0000

Door handle cup will have to come off to get the card past it. Should just be screw out then pull the handle open and pull the cup out at an angle

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Removing door card Mk1 - Speaker replacement

Postby Rebelbloke » Sat, 02 Apr 2011 2:41 +0000

Thanks ash, will try that. Hopefully speakers will go in alright now!
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Removing door card Mk1 - Speaker replacement

Postby Rebelbloke » Sun, 03 Apr 2011 2:53 +0000

Speaker no 1 fitted! Managed to lever off the old speaker cover to fit to new one. Am hoping it all stays in place as I just clipped the speakers to the cover & then screwed them on.

One other question, the wires from the previous speaker were encased in a White plastic yoke - I presume it was ok to remove this?!

Also the original wires had two wide fittings rather than one wide & one narrow for positive & negative - they still fitted well enough to the speakers so am guessing this should be fine? The speaker was working fine anyway...

Thanks for the help!
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Re: Removing door card Mk1 - Speaker replacement

Postby leamyj » Sun, 03 Apr 2011 7:44 +0000

I assume you've kept the drip guard in place?

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Removing door card Mk1 - Speaker replacement

Postby Rebelbloke » Sun, 03 Apr 2011 8:57 +0000

Yeah, I just levered it off the old speaker & clipped it to the new ones using clips that came with the speakers.
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