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New Aerial

PostPosted: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 2:42 +0000
by Ciaran
Hi all,

As I've been giving out about elsewhere my roof was slashed. I also need to replace the aerial. has anyone done this before? It's an 2000 MK2, Japanese import with an electric aerial. I don't mind not getting a new electric one cos it's quite a big thing anyway

Just something that looks good and is easy to install, or am I kidding myself?!



Re: New Aerial

PostPosted: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 3:23 +0000
by charged_rs

Re: New Aerial

PostPosted: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 6:58 +0000
by leamyj
I've got an original mk1 static aerial if you fancy going that route.


Re: New Aerial

PostPosted: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 9:58 +0000
by Ciaran
Ah thanks, I've already bought it actually. Now just have to start reading how to do it!

Re: New Aerial

PostPosted: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 8:08 +0000
by sabik
charged_rs wrote:this is what you need :) ... cts_id/488

this worked for me and fitted in no time. My autofactor talked me out of buying the full aerial.

Re: New Aerial

PostPosted: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 10:05 +0000
by jaffa20
Speaking of aerials, do any of you guys know where i could get an inexpensive electric aerial kit to replace the manual one on my mk2.5? I saw on another thread that maplins do them but looks like they don't stock those anymore. Would there be any for sale in the shops here that would fit it. Don't wanna spend too much so if i can't one, i'll just buy one of those bee sting aerials instead.


Re: New Aerial

PostPosted: Tue, 03 Aug 2010 2:27 +0000
by Ciaran
I've got the electric one and to be honest I'd nearly go with just a smaller manual one. The aerial's are just massive

Mine's arriving in the post this week so no doubt I'll spend a week trying to fix it and set myself on fire in the process :-)

Re: New Aerial

PostPosted: Thu, 05 Aug 2010 12:39 +0000
by Ciaran
Ok I got this in the post today. A really straight forward job which is great. Just one problem which has scuppered me. There's a little black rubber washer which grips at the end of the aerial and stops it from falling out through the aerial retainer (which is this bit ... cts_id/972). Has anyone run into this or got any idea where I can get one?

Re: New Aerial

PostPosted: Thu, 05 Aug 2010 3:43 +0000
by Ciaran
Ha, after much pushing MX5 parts came back with this stellar example of post-sales support :D Any ideas would be much appreciated! I might just glue the old one back together or something

Hi Ciaran,

I have spoken to our mechanic and we have had similar problems in our own workshop. The part you refer to is not supplied with the mast, or available as a separate part from Mazda.


Office Manager
MX5 Parts

Re: New Aerial

PostPosted: Fri, 06 Aug 2010 1:42 +0000
by Ciaran
Right, slowly but surely getting to grips with this (yes I know it's a tiny job- I'm just very new to this). The plastic bit was actually attached to a metal sleeve which sits at the base of the aerial but isn't part of it. It's kinda hard to make that out when it's been bent into itself!

This video I found was great, in case it's of use to anyone in the future.

Now to hunt down one of those sleeves! I'm actually really enjoying being able to attempt this, even if it is slightly painful