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Repairing paintwork

Mon, 25 Oct 2010 9:59 +0000
by rockdrummer4
Had a little incident over the weekend... have scraped the paintwork off the bumper and taked a small lump outta it see pics...
What would I use to fill the lump? Also whats the best way of repairing the paintwork, sand down a square and then paint over, or just paint over whats their already?
Its a 98 1.8 - do ya know what Blue colour that would be on the mx5parts website?
Re: Repairing paintwork

Mon, 25 Oct 2010 7:49 +0000
by sspecdave
The paint code is normally found on the vin plate located on the bulkhead or the vehicle id sticker found above driver side door striker plate.
Re: Repairing paintwork

Mon, 25 Oct 2010 9:34 +0000
by leamyj
Fibreglass...fill/sand/sand/sand/fill/sand/sand etc....
here's some info on paint codes
Re: Repairing paintwork

Tue, 26 Oct 2010 8:19 +0000
by rockdrummer4
Thanks lads...
What would be the best way to go about this? Sand down a section lightly and then apply paint, or just paint over?
Re: Repairing paintwork

Tue, 26 Oct 2010 11:01 +0000
by rockdrummer4
The code for my paint is 12k, but which is mine?
Racing Blue 12K
Twilight Blue 12K
Re: Repairing paintwork

Tue, 26 Oct 2010 1:29 +0000
by leamyj
Same thing, just different descriptions by different manufacturers
The code's the thing you need, not the description.
Re: Repairing paintwork

Tue, 26 Oct 2010 2:42 +0000
by rockdrummer4
Ah OK,
Well just ordered 1 x SI522 GENUINE MAZDA TOUCH-UP PAINT. TWILIGHT BLUE, 12K from mx5parts
