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Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Sun, 28 Nov 2010 8:09 +0000
by robmx5
Need to try and jumpm start my car but can't tell which is the positive and which is the negative - any ideas ?
Also battery has a third cable coming out of it and into the bodywork - I'm assuming this is some sort of earth - any ideas ? Is this required for a new battery ?
Finally, any recommendations for a new battery - priced one in Halfords with 5 year guarantee for €107 yoyos - anybody have one of these and knwo if they fit properly ?
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Sun, 28 Nov 2010 10:49 +0000
by graham
The terminal that is closest to the body of the car is the negative, ie the one on the right hand side as you look into the boot.
Be careful what battery you buy, you need to get a sealed battery.
Get this one: ... cts_id/635g
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Sun, 28 Nov 2010 10:54 +0000
by robmx5
Cheers Graham - I assume thats the terminal towards the back of the car and the positive is towards the front so.
Does if have to be a sealed one, or is a sealed one just better.
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Sun, 28 Nov 2010 10:55 +0000
by barney
the third ''cable'' wouldn't be the vent pipe from the battery that goes through the floor?
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Sun, 28 Nov 2010 11:21 +0000
by graham
It has to be a sealed battery! Unless you want corrosion in the boot.
Your battery might be in a slightly different position as my one, but it should be be obvious, the battery should be labelled anyway, The negative terminal will probably be connected to the body, so it should be easy to spot. send in a photo and we'll be able to confirm which one it is.
Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Mon, 29 Nov 2010 10:51 +0000
by mx5ash
Is the battery in the boot on mk2s?
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Mon, 29 Nov 2010 8:05 +0000
by robmx5
Yes, battery is in boot but is sitting lengthways, front to back - will try to get a photo up
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Mon, 29 Nov 2010 8:20 +0000
by robmx5
Here it is lying front to back
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Mon, 29 Nov 2010 11:11 +0000
by graham
I would assume it the one on the left with the plastic cover on it. I'm sure someone else will be able to confirm.
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Tue, 30 Nov 2010 2:03 +0000
by sidewaysreilly
get a multimeter off someone to verify voltage......there will be some albeit very little........then swap from one pole to a good earth . This will show the positive pole.or try a continuity check with a good earth in the boot. You will have continuity with the negative terminal to the body. Are the poles the same diameter??? The earth(minus) is always/usually smaller.
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Tue, 30 Nov 2010 2:57 +0000
by Steve
there should be a + and a - on the plastic of the battery beside each terminal too.
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Tue, 30 Nov 2010 6:12 +0000
by sspecdave
Checked my battery in the mk2 and the one with with gray plastic cover is indeed the positive . I changed sealed battery a while back and fitted a standard EXIDE EXCELL EB 442 (44AH 420A 12VOLT) bought in a local autofactors .
Hope this helps
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Tue, 30 Nov 2010 8:36 +0000
by robmx5
Fair play lads - again
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Sat, 11 Dec 2010 7:18 +0000
by Reesy
The gel battery on the '5 was dead so I jumped off wifey's golf. After half an hour of idling it was still hardly charged at all, so i reckon the battery's gone. it's only two and a half years old... and a 2 year warranty.
Anyone know a cheaper place to get a gel battery than MX5parts?
Re: Jump start dead battery and suitable replacement

Sun, 12 Dec 2010 6:16 +0000
by johnv
im going to talk to a guy tomorrow about a gel battery will let you know