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Light trouble Any help !!!

PostPosted: Sat, 02 Apr 2011 10:00 +0000
by Mel Walters
Hi I'm new to the site and own a 1991 Roadster. I wondered if anyone has ever had any trouble with their lights ?? When I turn them on they pop up but don't come on !!! I have side lights Any help woulfd be great .

Re: Light trouble Any help !!!

PostPosted: Sun, 03 Apr 2011 4:17 +0000
by jaybond
Have you checked the fuses?

Re: Light trouble Any help !!!

PostPosted: Sun, 03 Apr 2011 5:37 +0000
by Mel Walters
Hi yep could it be that as the side lights come on ??? It's really annoying as I can't drive it at night !!! I've had suggestions that it could be the column switch ??? :D

Light trouble Any help !!!

PostPosted: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 2:16 +0000
by Mel Walters
Hi guys
I've had a couple of diferent views on this but hey what's a few more !!!

When I turn my sidelights on they work great !!
When I put my main beam on the lights pop up but don't come on if I try to flash them they pop up and go down but no lgihts ???

I've had suggestions it's the switch or a fuse ??

Any help would be good


Re: Light trouble Any help !!!

PostPosted: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 5:07 +0000
by Steve
Hi Mel,

I think the lights popping up suggests the fuse is ok (HEAD fuse in the fusebox under the bonnet).
You need to test and see if you have power to the lights next,
- pop up your lights using the button in the middle of the dash
- remove the 4 screws from the headlight cover and remove it
- loosen the 3 smaller screws on the metal ring holding the headlight in (not the 2 big screws, they are for headlight alignment), turn the ring anti-clock wise and it should fall off with the headlight.
- Using a multimeter, test for power in the connector with the lights switched to on
- If there is power, replace your headlights (most motor factors have 7" round headlights) with headlights that have replaceable bulbs, as opposed to "sealed" headlights.

Refit ring, its a bit fiddly, it only goes on one way and the headlight cover.


Re: Light trouble Any help !!!

PostPosted: Thu, 07 Apr 2011 12:15 +0000
by Mel Walters
Thanks Steve
I'll get my hubby to go look in a minute !!

Re: Light trouble Any help !!!

PostPosted: Thu, 07 Apr 2011 10:31 +0000
by Mel Walters
Hi Steve
Thanks Very much for your advice earlier we tried and looked but we didn't have a meter and Phil isn't very good with electrics so there's a really good auto electrician near me and i've dropped it off to him h :P oping he no1 minds my baby and no2 fixes it !!!
Many thanks
Mel :P

Re: Light trouble Any help !!!

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Apr 2011 11:43 +0000
by Mel Walters
My baby now has her eyes back !!! My local auto sparky wizard has found the problem what a genius !! wires were burnt at the lamps and he's put a new light in as well Worth every cent !! Thanks for all your help guys espacially Steve
Mel :lol: :D