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soft top & rear fog light

PostPosted: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:31 +0000
by jj1
Hi Folks. I am new to this site, I have a Mk11, 1.6. 1999, while fitting a style bar yesterday I noticed the hood is starting to wear around the glass window. So I guess it's time for a new one, I live in the Wicklow area, from reading the forum Wales seems like the place to go. Im not to bad with the spanners but I only have one day a week off, my fear is if I have a go at fitting a new hood myself and things dont go to plan im stuffed. Has anybody any local ish recomendations for anywhere that can do a good job, one other question, does the Eunos need a rear fog light for the NCT test. Great site.

PostPosted: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:44 +0000
by Ivan
Hi There,
welcome to the site.

Art in webcars is down your way.

Top and fog

PostPosted: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 9:29 +0000
by robmx5

As per Ivan, Art has the market for tops on the southside - having recently assisted in the replacement of my roof - you would do it in a day - weather permitting (unless you have access to a garage) - you would also save yourself a few bob - various articles on here about where to source a new one.

Fog light - no Eunos does'nt need a fog for the NCT unless you have one already fitted - in which case it must be working - also if you have amber/red side reflectors on your bumpers these need to be removed ot covered up for the NCT - crazy but true - easily screwed off and but back after your NCT


Soft top

PostPosted: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:19 +0000
by Medic5
Have to go with Ivan, Art at Webcars killarney Rd, Bray, he did mine in about 3 hours.