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How do I remove the wiper arms?

PostPosted: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 4:59 +0000
by valred
Hi gentles,
The wiper arms are in a shocking state and I have just ordered chrome wipers.

So I would like to remove the arms, strip them and spray them.

Suggestions please!!!


PostPosted: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 5:22 +0000
by mx5ash
each one is bolted on at the base of the arm. Might be a little plastic cover over it which just pops off. They are splined so be careful putting them back on and make sure you have them in the right spot or you'll be taking them back off again when they start hitting the edge of the screen (said from experience there) I do mine with black hamerite every year or two.

PostPosted: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 8:52 +0000
by valred
..............sorry Ash...........for the dunces at the back of the class could you explain 'splined'? I presume I need a wratchet (flip! how do you spell it) thing to get at the bolt vertically? My god, just spent an hour waxing it and haven't the energy to be splining stuff!!!!

ta though! (where are my manners?)

PostPosted: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 9:31 +0000
by mx5ash
No its just a normal bolt. Yes you will need a socket to get the bolt off. What i meant by the splined bit is that the inside of the hole has lots of little ridges on it and so does the shaft that it slots on to. It doesn't really matter as it will
become clear when you have it off.

Pop up the cap (if there is one)
Get your socket set and undo the bolt (remember lefty loosey!!!)
Pull the wiper arm firmly stright up (because of the splines)

And to coin a classic phrase - refitting is the reversal of removal.

PostPosted: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 9:36 +0000
by valred
Get your socket set ......

Ash! I'm a girl! I have TWO screw drivers (flat and cross), one hammer and a pliers and a twisty wratchet thing!!!

My god man! Socket SET.....I would be lucky if I have A socket!

Will probably have all the wheels and doors off tomorrow trying to undo this splined bolt!!!!!!! :twisted:

PostPosted: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 10:21 +0000
by mx5ash
A twisty ratchet thingy should do you once you have the right size socket.
The bit that the wiper arms fit on to look like this
Like i said don't worry about them i should have mentioned them!!! Do what i said and you will be fine it really is easy.

PostPosted: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 10:59 +0000
by valred

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so kemosabe!

No problem

Understand the spined thing now.

You are wise and noble.

wax on........wax off.

PostPosted: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:10 +0000
by mx5ash
Good luck my child

PostPosted: Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:26 +0000
by mx5ash
Well how did you get on with this val

PostPosted: Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:31 +0000
by valred
So sorry Sensi.........the lure of the one year old nephew..............warm malibu and cranberry juice.............

:oops: :oops:
:oops: 8) :oops:

PostPosted: Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:36 +0000
by mx5ash
If i had the choice i know where i would have been too