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Lack of Charging

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Lack of Charging

Postby Rooky » Fri, 05 Apr 2019 8:29 +0000

Hey Guys

I'm convinced my Mk1 isn't charging at all.
I get a 12.12v reading of the battery while the car is running.
I presume it should be reading between 14.2 and 14.5 when charging correctly!

Is it just a new alternator needed?
And how long will it take to fit one?

Any an all help/advice appreciated.

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Re: Lack of Charging

Postby 93 Mk1 » Sat, 06 Apr 2019 9:06 +0000

That sounds like the culprit alright. I haven't changed mine but it wouldn't appear to be a huge job to replace one.
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Re: Lack of Charging

Postby mrges » Sat, 06 Apr 2019 10:22 +0000

Is the battery dying on you if you leave the car for a while? Could it be the battery itself? I used to get a good reading on the battery in the Beetle with the engine running, but even after a good drive, if I left the car over night, it would barely turn over in the morning. Tried a new battery and problem solved.

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Re: Lack of Charging

Postby Rooky » Sat, 06 Apr 2019 11:41 +0000

Thanks for the replies.

The battery in the car is dead so I have removed that and put the battery in off my daily car. I know that battery is good.
I had the car on for more than a couple of hours and went for a couple of short drives.
Turned the car off and tried to start it after a couple of minutes and it wouldn't turn over at all.

So I'm thinking alternator.
Best place to pick one up?

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Re: Lack of Charging

Postby mrges » Sat, 06 Apr 2019 3:54 +0000

Defo sounds like the alternator then.

Give Robert a try on 0868226506 (or try the 'for sale' section on Facebook.

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Re: Lack of Charging

Postby 93 Mk1 » Sat, 06 Apr 2019 10:06 +0000

If you're only getting ~ 12v across the battery with the engine running then I would be suspecting the alternator. Typically, you should be seeing 13 - 14v dc.
1992 Eunos Roadster BRG V-Spec 1.6
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Re: Lack of Charging

Postby MX5Spares » Sun, 07 Apr 2019 7:19 +0000

As above, most likely alternator and there are several different ones for mx5 , depending on year etc. Check that the earth stray , that bolts to rear end on the PPF frame is good. Its near the diff but on the long alloy "scaffolding frame" type thing between diff and gearbox. PPF is correct name .Google it.That earth strap is main one for battery negative connection. We have selection of alternators here anyway if you do need one.086 8226506
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Re: Lack of Charging

Postby Rooky » Sun, 07 Apr 2019 5:14 +0000

Thanks as always for the replies.
I'll check that strap.

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Re: Lack of Charging

Postby Johnny » Mon, 08 Apr 2019 10:32 +0000

I had same problem a few weeks back on a 98 Mk 2: battery light coming on etc and did all usual tests with multimeter. In the end mine was draining the battery overnight even with new battery in. Looked at all the earths etc but they were fine. In the end got alternator off Robert and it sorted everything. Handy enough job and easier for the mk1 as I think the pivot bolt can be accessed from the front of the alternator. On the Mk 2s the pivot bolt head is at the back and intake manifold brace has to be removed before the alternator pivot bolt can be taken out.
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