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Alloys - Rial 16"

PostPosted: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 6:22 +0000
by virtualcolm
These are the wheels that were on the car when I bought it.
They're Rial Le Mans 16"

The bad bits:
The tyres are shot, though you'd get away with only replacing 2.
1 is missing a centre cap

The good bit:
If you've a spare €50 in your pocket you can take them away

PostPosted: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 6:48 +0000
by leamyj
Colm, I'll take them. Can you bring them into work with you and I can collect them from there??

If not I'll pick them up sometime later in the week.


PostPosted: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 1:50 +0000
by virtualcolm

I'll bring them in during the week and send you a message when they're there. It'll probably be after a wet day, cause I'm not bringing a van home if it's sunny :)

PostPosted: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 3:36 +0000
by aquarian5
Nice looking alloys lads 8) .....John got a bargain there !!

John were your other ones in poor condition?

Will try and see if I can make it for the Tech day on the 27th, have a job or 3 to be done :wink:

Cheers John.

PostPosted: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 12:40 +0000
by leamyj
That will be ideal Colm, thanks very much..mind you, not too many sunny days lately :evil:

One of the old ones has a dent and they all need to be resprayed.. will let you see them at the tech day, if you get there.
