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Help Leak

Leaking roofs and window seals, blocked channels, and cracked rain rails.
If there's water getting in, look here.
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Help Leak

Postby james » Sun, 02 Sep 2012 10:13 +0000

i have a leak where at the rear window drops of water are coming in at the bottom

it was sealed before i got it but is there anything i can do to fix it for good/permanent

and how tight should the rear window be, i can push it about 2 inches in and out

when i put the top down i have to pull the window forward or the top wont go down fully

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Re: Help Leak

Postby charged_rs » Sun, 02 Sep 2012 1:33 +0000

sounds like your hood is past its best.
old mk2 vinyl hoods get the usual crack about the door windows and at the rear window they tend to rip at the corners of the rubber seal on the glass window.
Short of buying a new softtop , there isnt much you can do as a lasting solution.... bodges and silicon will buy you some time , but eventually you will either need a replacemtn or ditch the softtop entirely and bolt on a hardtop.

maybe not what you wanted to hear but........

oh..if you look in the softtop section i am offering a group buy atm
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