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Is there an indy mechanic who can fix my leak?

PostPosted: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 5:51 +0000
by Rochey
My seats are permanently soaked and I need someone who knows what they are looking at to tell me whether the roof has shrunk too much or whether new seals will actually fix the problem.

Is there a specialist out there who knows about MX5 hoods?

Re: Is there an indy mechanic who can fix my leak?

PostPosted: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 3:04 +0000
by Fergus
Did you check that the drain holes are clear?
As for the window seals/roof, take a picture of the top of each door showing where the glass meets the roof and post it up here.
Is the carpet under the rear window wet as well?

Re: Is there an indy mechanic who can fix my leak?

PostPosted: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 4:08 +0000
by Rochey
Drain holes are clear.
Carpet isn't wet, just the seats are getting destroyed.


So have the windows dropped too low?
The roof shrank? (It's not that old)
Or the three rubber seals along the top are gone?

Re: Is there an indy mechanic who can fix my leak?

PostPosted: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 5:11 +0000
by Fergus
The roof looks fine to me but I can't really see the seals. You'd have to take a picture of them with the doors open.
The window height looks good as well.
Is it a mohair and if so, when did it last get sealant put on it?

Re: Is there an indy mechanic who can fix my leak?

PostPosted: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 5:32 +0000
by Rochey
Its a bit dark now - I'll snap them in the morning.
I'll raise the windows to the max.
Roof is a mohair, its never been treated - what'll i treat it with?

Re: Is there an indy mechanic who can fix my leak?

PostPosted: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 3:56 +0000
by Fergus
That's the problem right there so.

The Mohair roofs have to be treated two or three times per year or the water starts to drip down inside on the seats etc.

I use 'Autoglym Convertible Soft Top Clean & Protect Complete Kit'

It's a two-part process and it's very fast to do.
The first is a spray to clean the material, it comes with a special sponge which works great on mohair and does not damage the surface.
Rinse off, then spray on the sealant and just let it dry. When it's dry the material looks darker, like new etc and the water beads on the surface like mercury drops.

Halfords have the cleaning spray but do not appear to have the sealant (I checked online). The one your looking for is a 'double pack with sponge' like the one in the link above.
