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Alternator Problems

Tue, 07 Sep 2010 9:13 +0000
by sabik
Ha lads and ladys, just wondering with the on set of these wet day if anyone else is having the same problem or had it and fixed it more to the point. When I start the car and try clear the windows it's causing a large drain on the power, this is not a surprise! But it is causing the alternator belt to slip a little and creating a bit of noice. Now this has happened me before and I changed the belt and all has been good for a while(dry days I guess).
I guess I wondering should I have the alternator looked at or just change the belt again and hope for the best?
Re: Alternator Problems

Tue, 07 Sep 2010 9:35 +0000
by johnv
i had a lot of bother with belts slipping changed them twice still a problem then i got a set of mazda belts that seems to have fixed it ihope
Re: Alternator Problems

Tue, 07 Sep 2010 11:48 +0000
by sabik
interesting i idea... might be worth a go hasn't been a problem in ages just with the recent wet weather is it acting up again.
Re: Alternator Problems

Wed, 08 Sep 2010 8:26 +0000
by mx5ash
Belts streach with time so maybe needs to be tightened a bit and as John said getting a good belt Mazda or Gates will help to.
Re: Alternator Problems

Mon, 13 Sep 2010 3:42 +0000
by Fergus

On the above comments.
Get a good belt, just remember that you will have to tighten it up a little bit once it's run in, there is an adjuster near the alternator for doing just that

Re: Alternator Problems

Mon, 13 Sep 2010 12:03 +0000
by sidewaysreilly
when fitted , on the longest bit of the belt, tighten it untill you can just twist it 90 degrees. Same for any belt including timimg belt.