This is a stab in the dark but here goes..... I have a 2007 also. I developed a similar sound took me 6 months to figure out. On the mk3 there is a drain for the soft top that needs to be cleared once in a while. On it's exit under the car it has a small rubber none return valve that you can feel with your little finger. If that valve becomes inverted for what ever reason then road noise will be heard in the car. Mine sounded the same as yours and it changed at different speeds and road surfaces and even if it rained...... Drove me nuts...... I even stuck a snake eye camera from work down the drain to prove it to myself and it was inverted....
Sorted it by putting the old trombone cleaner down the drain top to bottom one way and it re seated the valve.....
look at these threads from other forums ....... actually did a mod on these valves but I can't find the link.......
Well not sure if this will solve your problem but sounds very similar to the one I had and as I said drove me nuts...... Hope this helps if only to show you where to clean your drains once in a while.....Again if you find the exit and stick your little finger in you should feel the valve. Compare driver side to passenger side....
07 Mk 3.... black..... one wife... one gold fish.....