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bummer NCT Fail

PostPosted: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 7:24 +0000
by tigger
Hi Folks,

Well I just failed my NCT!! sucks a** if ya ask me.
Just wondering what your thoughts are on whats next?

I changed the oil, filter, plugs and put the pre NCT stuff in the
fuel tank.

My reading at high ideal which is 2500 rpms was
.58 and pass its below .3. Looking for something to last not quick fix any ideas folks?


If ya read this sorry, i txt ya and as soon as I did my mibble died! Im sure we can chat about it tomorrow anyways!

If my worst fears are realised folks what do ya think of this CAT?
Its way cheaper that mx5 parts... :o)

thanks folks

PostPosted: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 9:35 +0000
by Steve
We'll have a look for vacuum leaks at some stage over the weekend.
Which reading was it?

PostPosted: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 9:46 +0000
by tigger
The fail was for emissions.

High Ideal was 2500 rpms and the pass is .3
my reading was .58.

I think thats your asking Stevie, ekkkk
Ill show ya the fail sheet tomorrow

PostPosted: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:06 +0000
by mx5ash
Sorry dude, sure you/we will get it sorted easy enough.