My fan stuck on this eve, a quick look showed that the thermostat sensor wire had broken right at the connector. Anyone have one lying about? Have unplugged the fan till tomorrow, will try a generic female connector then to get it behaving.
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Re: Thermostat sensor connector
Posted: Fri, 02 May 2014 7:04 +0000
by MX5Spares
Hi Steve we should have one
Re: Thermostat sensor connector
Posted: Fri, 02 May 2014 9:53 +0000
by Steve
great stuff! I've dismantled the old connector and temporarily soldered the clip from inside onto a new wire, plugged the fan back in but it came on again (when it shouldn't)... pulled the relay and gave it a tap, fan went off. But I haven't heard it come back on yet... erk. Will let it idle for a bit later and see if it'll come on.