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Intermittent no start issue (fuel pump)

PostPosted: Mon, 25 Nov 2019 3:21 +0000
by Bleunos
Hey guys, just wondering have any of you had intermittent starting issues before?

Basically the fuel pump isn't getting power sometimes, I don't think it's relays as I've already swapped the fp relay out for an admittedly second hand unit but I had the same issue.

I think it could be the cam angle sensor, I got it started last night and it was running lumpy and rich. I did a track day in it a month or 2 ago and it seems to have gotten worse sense then.

I can force the fuel pump to run by crossing fp and ground in the obd box in the engine bay. Would a cas cause a lack of power to the fuel pump? It could also be related to the immobilizer but I'd prefer if it isn't!

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

Re: Intermittent no start issue (fuel pump)

PostPosted: Mon, 25 Nov 2019 9:42 +0000
by Steve
You can borrow the CAS from my car to test, it's not moving for a few weeks.

Sent from my Redmi Note 5 using Tapatalk

Re: Intermittent no start issue (fuel pump)

PostPosted: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 10:11 +0000
by Bleunos
That would be fantastic, thanks Steve, I'll message you later today

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

Re: Intermittent no start issue (fuel pump)

PostPosted: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 11:14 +0000
by Steve
no problem

Re: Intermittent no start issue (fuel pump)

PostPosted: Sun, 15 Dec 2019 6:14 +0000
by Steve
How'd ya get on? Did the swop cure it?

Sent from my Redmi Note 5 using Tapatalk