Due to the growing size of the forum and the number of people who use it, it has been decided that all For Sale ads will have to be approved by a Moderator before they will be displayed on the forum.
Please ensure that your for sale ad follows the rules
You must have at least 10 posts to advertise (no spam posts to up your count!).
No spamming or commercial solicitation of any kind allowed on this site other than authorized individuals representing a sponsoring advertiser.
Companies/organisations are not permitted to advertise on the MX5Ireland.com forums/website unless that company/organisation is a sponsor of MX5Ireland.com.
You may not reference your automotive related business or URL in your signature, user profile, or your username unless you are a forum sponsor.
If you wish to sponsor a forum please contact info@mx5ireland.com
5. Buying and Selling,
you must specify a price in all "For Sale" posts or that post will be deleted.
Once your item has been sold please update your original post and append "SOLD" to the end of the post, so that people browsing the forums can easily determine what is still available.
The "For Sale" and "Wanted" sections were created for members to sell parts from their personal cars. These sections are not to be used to dismantle/part out cars that have been picked up with the intention to sell off parts for profit using the forums. Doing so constitutes a commercial post and will be removed at the discretion of the moderators. (see point 4)
Thank you
The Admin
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