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MK2 Carbon fiber hardtop

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MK2 Carbon fiber hardtop

Postby jaybond » Tue, 03 Dec 2024 12:48 +0000

This is a carbon fiber hardtop for a MX5 MK2. I bought it in the US and had it shipped with all the rest of my stuff. I don't think I'll be getting an MX5 MK2 any time soon so I'm taking offers.

Here's one from an online store https://www.mobbmotorsports.com/1990-1997-mazda-miata-carbon-fiber-hardtop-p/vis-tk-9841.htm?gclid=CjwKCAiA9bq6BhAKEiwAH6bqoL5J-IWGXrVynWTIbEU59VbBT1EV8KwNkg74_maAjCWzaQDSNfWxwBoCIKwQAvD_BwE&gad_source=1

This is mine.

It's never been used. I have the hardware and Frankenstein bolts and a lock so it can't be stolen. It requires some custom work like weather seals but nothing mechanical or major.

I'm taking offers

PS it's really cool :)
1990 BRG

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